He is growing everyday! I didn't realize how much has grown until I looked at pictures taken of him when we first came home from the hospital. When we came home 7 weeks ago, Alexander weighed just over 6 pounds. Today, he weighs 8 pounds 10.5 ounces and is fitting into his 3 month old clothes (he's not even 3 months old yet!).
Besides gaining weight, Alexander has also been working on lifting his head during tummy time, reaching for his toys in his bouncer, and learning to take naps in his own bed.
Over a week ago, we received a pulse oximeter and it has been such a stress reliever. Wes & I check his oxygen levels every morning and whenever he seems to not be acting like himself. He has been maintaining his oxygen levels in the low 80's, which is just fine. He had a cardiology visit on Thursday and it went well. Alexander's cardiologist is pleased to see how Alexander is growing and is hoping he won't need a blood transfusion every month (she's not the only one!). She did state that his next procedure, the Glenn, can occur anytime between 3 months old and 10.5 pounds. We are definitely getting closer to that point and I'm starting to stress about it, but a date hasn't been set yet. I am just not ready to see him hooked up to a bunch of machines and pain killers. I'm also worried about how the surgery will go, given his current record. I just want him to be healthy and at home!
One of the hardest parts of being a parent so far is watching your child being wheeled away for surgery and then to come out of surgery with a bunch of machines hooked up to them, keeping them alive! I don't want to go through that again!! Ugh! The one thing keeping me from breaking down every time I think about it, is the outcome. Once he has his Glenn, there will be no more inter stage; no more staying cooped up in the house like hermits because we want to limit his germ exposure. We will be able to take him out in public and show off the handsome boy!
Okay, enough venting for now. On a lighter and more positive note..two weeks ago, Alexander got a visit from his Great Aunt April. He was a very happy boy around her and she seemed to be in love with him! They got to spend lots of time together.
Last weekend, we went to Ventura (needed to get out of our house) to hang out with Alexander's G-pa, G-Ma, and Auntie Kasey. Alexander finally got to watch NASCAR with his G-Pa! :)
We have another cardiology appointment in 2 weeks, as well as his pediatrician appointment. Until then, we will continue to be teaching Alexander different things to keep him thriving! For any of you interested in joining us on June 9th for the Congenital Heart Walk at Griffith Park, please register yourself under Team Baby Alleman Superman Heart. If you can't join us and want to donate money, that's great too! http://congenitalheartwalk.kintera.org.
Positive thoughts and prayers are always appreciative and needed for our little Superman to stay strong!