Happy 1 year Heart Birthday to Alexander! <3
It was one year ago today when so many of us were waiting anxiously to hear how the surgery went. One year ago today, Alexander received his new heart. I can't believe it's already been a year-it's gone by so quick.
If you haven't already heard, Alexander got to leave the hospital on Thanksgiving. We really didn't think it was going to happen-but it did and we couldn't have asked for a better Thanksgiving.
The CT SCAN Alexander had informed us that there are a few problems going on with his lungs. He has some inflammation in his upper airways and stiffness within his lungs. How these problems arised is still unclear. It could be something the he developed when he was an infant and was overlooked due to his complex heart being a concern. Or it could be that his anti-rejection medications are causing him some of these problems. It is even possible that one issue is causing both problems, or he has two separate issues. Since we don't have answers, Alexander will be having a lung biopsy in mid-December and a bronchoscope. We don't know any more details about the procedure other than that he'll be in the hospital for a few days with a chest tube. Wes and I are meetling with the surgeon on December 7th.

So prayers that the oxygen is only temporary, that Alexander stays healthy for his upcoming surgery, and celebrate with us today by giving back to others-pay it forward. <3
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