Yesterday, we met with Alexander's surgeon, Dr. Wells and was told Alexander would be having his surgery this Friday. That quickly changed when Alexander was being examined by a cardiac NP (part of the pre-op process) and began asking about Alexander's current cough and his nasal congestion. (To update you all: Alexander has been fighting something since his birthday, but we believed it was just allergies). She then spoke with the surgical team and Friday's surgery date was quickly taken off the table. Alexander was then swabbed to see if he has a viral infection of some sort and suggested that Alexander visit with his Pediatrician. After spending 5 hours at CHLA, we then went to Alexander's pediatrician to see what she suggested.
We've now learned that Alexander does have a cold (either Rhinovirus or Enterovirus) and his surgery to have his pacemaker replaced will be on March 10th. Alexander's EP told us that Alexander has another three weeks left with his battery but that the week of March 10th is the longest we should go. So for the next week, we must keep Alexander in his "bubble" to keep him healthy for the next week as he can't afford to get sick again. I will try to not worry that something is going on with his heart when Alexander begins to act differently!
Keep those positive thoughts and prayers coming that Alexander stays healthy and his pacemaker keeps working well!