Sunday, February 24, 2013

Tomorrow might be the day...

 We've had another positive day! Alexander's ventilator pressure is being reduced, in intervals of every 4 hours, for one hour at a time. He's responding well and if he continues to respond well, then there is a chance the tube could be taken out tomorrow. Which means I could hold him tomorrow!!! :-) (I hope, I hope, I hope...)

Alexander also got to start receiving breast milk again through his feeding tube and is responding well to that too! Tomorrow I'm hoping to talk with an Occupational therapist (OT) and Physical Therapist (PT) about the feeding procedure. Sometimes OT's and PT's want to go to bottle instead of breast, to assess the baby's sucking and swallowing. I'm trying to stay away from the bottle and hopefully we can. Wes and I have been working with Alexander on his sucking reflex, providing him with a pacifier each time he is awake. He's doing very well with the pacifier, not requiring us to hold it very often, until he starts drifting off to sleep. :-)

4 generations of first born sons!
Alexander had lots of family visit him today: grandparents, great grandparents, aunt's and cousins. Looking forward to tomorrow's goals and hoping for another positive night.

1 comment:

  1. He is sooo CUTE!! I love hearing the good news and check frequently for it! I hope both your OT and PT people are pro-breast feeding...ours were I just had to not be shy and let them observe Keira while I nursed was a small challenge.... but she took to it right away (nursing)w/ some bumps in between. I am so hopeful that you will be able to finally hold your little guy!! and to be able to nurse him! it is one precious moment!!! :) I am very sure that prayers are being answered and am continuing to pray for you all! Hugs to you!!
