I apologize for not updating our blog sooner, but sleep, nursing, and eating have taken over my days. If I'm not nursing, I'm sleeping when Alex is sleeping or I'm trying to eat something while Alex is sleeping. Our first week home has been uneventful (hooray!) and has consisted of attempting to get into a routine, get the house put back together and catch up on the never ending loss of sleep. Here is a quick recap of what's occurred over the week:
Monday- We met with Alexander's new pediatrician at SC Pediatrics. He was pleased at how Alex looked and that he had gained weight! When we left the hospital, Alexander weighed 6 lbs. 1 ounce. The pediatrician weighed him at 6 lbs. 5.5 ounces! :-)
We continued to deal with adjusting to some sort of sleep and feeding schedule. Wes and I decided to try and feed Alexander by bottle, every 8 hours, to get three bottle feeds in and try to nurse twice in between those bottle feeds.
Tuesday- We made an unplanned visit to CHLA. :-( During his midnight feeding, I noticed a pimple on one of his incisions and became concerned because Alexander's discharge paper work stated that if there was any redness, swelling, or puss pockets, to call the cardio surgical team. So, when we called at midnight, the doctor on call stated to call in the morning and make an appointment. When went to CHLA that morning, we were told by the NP that it was just a pimple! (phew!) and to keep an eye on it. In addition, since we were already at CHLA that day, the NP went ahead and did his check up, so we wouldn't have to come back down in Friday for our planned visit. The NP was pleased to see his weight gain and stated to continue as is with his feeding schedule.
Wednesday- Alexander slept all morning (which means I slept most of the morning) and was awake in afternoon. He got sick in the morning and spit up twice in the afternoon. This had me concerned because I don't know what's normal baby stuff or cardiac related. He didn't do it again, so I can assume that it was nothing to be concerned about and that he just over ate (let's hope). Alexander was fussy later that night when grandparents were over for dinner. Grandma Cindy had the "touch" to calm him down.
Thursday- Alexander and I slept most of the day, waking him when it was time to feed him and him waking up when it was time to be changed. When we weighed, he weighed 6 lbs, 9 ounces!! Woo-hoo, keep it up Alexander! Wes took care of the house hold chores and phone calls of coordinating stuff for Alexander. What a great dad! :-)
Yesterday (Friday)- Alex slept most of the day, which resulted him being up for a good portion of the night. Hopefully we aren't already entering into the phase of sleeping baby during the day and awake at night...His Great Grandma Jeanette and Great Grandpa Harold came over to meet Alexander for the first time too!
Today- We are going to Great Grandma Dodie's house for her birthday! It will be the first time her and Great Grandpa George will hold Alexander. Additional great aunts, uncles, and his grandparents will also be there! Pictures to come later on :)
Alexander is also starting to fit into his newborn clothes, no more preemie! :)We continue to pray and have positive thoughts that Alexander will continue to thrive at home and gain weight! I want him to be a chunky monkey :) Next Thursday, we meet with the cardiologist-hopefully that will be another positive visit as well.