Yes, as of Sunday night, we moved to CV Acute!

When rounds started yesterday, our nurse asked me if I had any questions for the doctors. I stated that I wanted to be included in rounds and she said "oh, well we've already conducted rounds but I'll recap you". (First frustration of the day!). Second frustration-the nurse practitioner told me that I wouldn't be able to do any bottle feeding because Alexander's respiratory rate was high. I reiterated to her that I wanted to breastfeed first before bottle feeding and she told me to not set the expectations so high! This all occurred within 2 hours. Then we were told that within the hour, we would be switching rooms because his monitor wasn't reading his pace maker correctly. The switch of new rooms didn't happen until that night! Then an x-ray technician showed up and said that he was going to conducted a chest x-ray, which was news to me! Our nurse then informed me that a chest x-ray was ordered because he hadn't received one in a week. Luckily, I had noted when his last x-ray was and was reassured that it was okay and not unnecessary. On a good note- Alexander's morphine has decreased to every 12 hours. OT arrived and assessed Alexander on his sucking, swallowing, and breathing coordination and he did beautifully! She began the assessment by putting breast milk on finger and feeling his sucking, then breast milk on his pacifier, followed by breast milk in the nipple of a bottle. Since he was doing so well, we put him to my breast and he latched!! and continued to latch on and off for 4 minutes!!! Very happy and relieved mommy! :)
Today was a much better day-but busy! The nurse informed me of when rounds were to begin and I was included in his rounds. The nurse practitioner still prefers bottle feeding than breast feeding. However, she did state that I could continue to try breast feeding for 5 minutes prior to his feeding. Alexander's been taken off the morphine and his feeding has been increased to 40 cc's (a little over 1 ounce) every 3 hours. The OT came in today and observed Alexander breast feeding. After assisting me and providing me with suggestions, he latched on for 4 minutes and latched again for 4.5 minutes during his second feeding later on in the day! Woo-hoo!! Making progress!! :) I told Alexander we are making a goal to prove the nurse practioner wrong! :) Alexander also had his stitches removed (which he didn't like) and had his hearing tested, which he passed. Overall, a very busy but positive day! Hope that tomorrow brings more positives, but maybe not so busy, so that I can get his daily blog done. ;)
Oh yay!!! I'm so happy to hear of the wonderfully breastfeeding progress, PROVE THAT STINKIN NURSE PRACTITIONER WRONG!!!! Si se puede!!! I'm very proud of you, now that he is latching he'll start packing on the pounds quickly ;). I'm so happy that the lil king is off his meds... Congrats!!!! ")
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to hear about your success with breast feeding! Your persistence has really paid off...good job mama! You show that nurse practitioner!
Such amazing news to hear!! Keep proving that NP wrong!! I can't believe that she hasn't heard the motto BREAST IS BEST!!! I can totally relate to all those frustrations Jess....but rest assured that your time in that hospital is coming to an end :) Your little Alex is doing wonderfully :) I am so happy to hear of all this progress!
ReplyDeleteGood job Mommy!
ReplyDeleteNext stop, HOME! So proud and excited for Alexander's progress!!