Wednesday, August 14, 2013


 If you hadn't heard, our superman came home a week ago Tuesday! Since then we have been trying to get back into a routine, as well as, trying to catch up on some sleep! Luckily, I am thankful for the help from our moms, especially my mom, as she has been here almost everyday helping and was at the hospital everyday helping me before being discharged.

Alex planning his escape!
Upon being discharged we were sent home with 4 medications, a vitamin, and rice cereal ! Because Alexander showed one incident of silent aspiration during his swallow study, in addition to precursors of possible aspiration due to a wakened vocal cord, Alexander's breast milk is now thickened with rice cereal. The hospital states that I should pump for 10 min, feed bottle and then if he's still hungry I could nurse. Ha! I don't think so. Instead I pump first to help control the fast let down, and then nurse when he needs comforted or a snack. Otherwise he gets the bottle. Next month we will be going back to CHLA for another swallow study and see how his swallow looks.

So, in addition to pumping every 3-4 hours, feeding every 3-4 hours and then giving him his medicine every 6,10, or 12 hours- Wes and I don't get much sleep! To make things more interesting, I have come down with a cold as of Sunday night. Barely getting out of bed and having a fever doesn't mix well with a 6 month old, which means I shouldn't be around Alexander.  I'm once again fortunate to have my mom help me out this week during the day and Wes to take over at night. Even though Alexander is getting healthier now that the second surgery is done, staying away from sick people and using good hygiene will still be on going. So if you see us, don't be surprised if I pull out some hand sanitizer or ask if you've washed your hands before touching our superman.

The next few weeks are going to be busy for us. Not only do we need to get into a feeding medication routine, therapy services are resuming this week, doctors appointments are going on and Alexander gets his Doc Band next week!

Prayers are requested for this momma to kick this cold quickly, for our routine to get easier, and Alexander to stay strong and healthy!


  1. I'm glad to hear that he is doing well at home and that you have Great support system.. I hope you get better soon as the mama bird, as well as the daddy, help comfort and sooth the baby.. You all are in my thoughts. hoping for a soeedy recovery. You guys are in my thoughts.

  2. I'm glad that your baby boy is home with you. I'm so sorry that you are sick. I hope you are back on your feet soon. You are doing an amazing job mama! Alexander is lucky to have you as his mommy.

