Wow. Where has the time gone! I realize it has been quite some time since I last updated the blog and trust me when I say that I had been working on it over the past month, but just never got a chance to post it. Here goes a summary of the past month:
Alexander currently weighs 15 pounds 5 ounces. He's tiny still but mighty!! At his 9 month check up he fell into the 3 percentile for his weight BUT his head is at 89 percentile!! Such a big brain! :) We knew before he was born that gaining weight was going to be an issue because his heart is working so much harder, resulting in burning more calories. We continue to feed him every 3-4 hours with breast milk mixed with rice cereal and solids 2-3 times a day.We believe he is dealing with silent reflux, so he is back to taking Zantac. Reflux is common among heart babies and I'm hoping he will outgrow it. Next month Alexander goes in for another swallow study. I'm REALLY praying that he passes this time by showing no signs of aspiration! I'm really tired of having thicken his milk. If he passes, we can then start to give him water and juice in his sippy cup.

When Alexander turned 9 months at the beginning of this month, he mastered sitting unassisted and had 2 teeth came in!! Last month Alexander learned to roll from stomach to back!! We have a rollie pollie on our hands! On the same day that he decided to be Mr. Achiever and learned to roll, he also got his first fever :( 102.6!
Luckily it was quickly reduced and was a side effect from his flu shot,
polio combo vaccination.

A month ago, Wes and I finally got to experience what it is like to sleep 7-8 hours straight! Our cardiologist visit in October stated that we could decrease his sildenifil from every 6 to every 8 hours which meant no more 2:00 am medicine or feeding! Alexander gets his last bottle and medicine at 9 pm and then not again until 5 am! During the visit last month, Alexander's echo cardiogram looked great and his chest X-ray just looked okay. Just last week we had another visit to his cardiologist and once again everything looked great! So good, that we don't go back until January! An echocardiogram wasn't done this time around but a chest x-ray was and still looked the same. So his medication (Lasik and Sildenfil stay as is). Still, we are happy with the improvements he has made and the sleep that we all get!

In October, Alexander got to go to the pumpkin patch and Trick or Treating! We can't wait for next year! :) Team Baby Alleman Superman Heart also joined the American Heart Association walk in Santa Clarita last month. We had a nice turn out. Alexander slept the entire walk but a had a fun time meeting Wonder Woman before his nap!
Given everything that has happened over the past 9 months, we are so thankful for a thriving son, and the huge support we have from our family and friends! We wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving!
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