Part of the pre-op procedure yesterday was to swab Alexander's nose and see if he test positive for any illness that could prevent him from going under anesthesia; and Of COURSE he DID test positive for the common cold! We all believe that, because he isn't showing any signs of a cold (except for a slight cough), that the results are from the cold he had over a month ago (the common cold can stay in your body for 6-8 weeks). Based on the this outcome, the decision on whether he was going to the cath lab or not was not decided until 7 am this morning! So within the next hour, the doctors will be taking Alexander to the cath lab. His procedure will probably be a couple of hours and we hope we get the answers that collaterals were fixed and that his body is NOT ready for the Fontan!
Thank you for all of your prayers and positive thoughts. He really needs them today. We are praying his procedure is successful and that he behaves coming out of anesthesia. I will update as I can. <3
Prayers made, love and light to you all.