Wednesday, October 12, 2016

It's the little things that make us say 'Hmmm'

So Day 3 and still in the hospital. The whole plan of staying over night was a good plan and we were all hopeful; but when cultures come back showing that you have Enterovirus and Rhino Virus (common colds) all of that goes out the window!

Yesterday morning we learned that Alexander is sick and that colds get better before they get worse. We are on Day 2 of this cold and have seen his oxygen saturations go from 83 percent to 53 percent within a few seconds! If he gets out of bed, they plummet. If he moves from one end of the bed to the other, they plummet. If he stays in bed and coughs, they plummet. If he is breathing through his mouth while sitting watching tv, they plummet.

We haven't even reached the worst of it: if that happens. So, I'm sure you're thinking the same as the rest of us..."hmm-perhaps staying in the hospital and riding the cold out or until Alexander is back to feeling more like himself, would be best."  Then there are the fevers. Why the fevers? What is his body trying to fight off if he only has a virual infection? "hmm...we wonder". Alexander's been getting 1-2 fevers the last few days as well. No one likes fevers. Alexander gets the chills, his heart rate increases and his oxygen levels drop. We are all hoping that the fevers are just post-op recovery and just his body trying to fight off the viral infection. If he continues to get the fevers and they begin to get higher (higher than 100.3), then they will need to do a blood test and see if there is another infection going on.

So for now, we hang out and give Alexander all of the rest he needs. Wes and I, and the doctors, prefer to be here instead of home. I don't want to be home if this cold gets worse.

We are not sure when Alexander caught this cold- he may have already had it but wasn't showing symptoms until Monday night. This is a reason why Alexander must try and stay healthy and why I expressed in my post a few days ago, the importance of staying home when you are sick. The little things we can fight off easily, are not so easy for our Superman. Thank you for all of your prayers and positive thoughts. Our boy still needs them. <3

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