Sunday, May 4, 2014

Just not what we needed right now...

Things just haven't been going that great since my last update! For starters, ever since Alexander's cardiology appointment over a week ago, we've noticed Alexander's oxygen saturations dropping. He's typically between 77-83 (you and I are close to 100). In addition to that, I've noticed Alexander's mouth, fingers, and toes have been blue. When I check his levels, he's between 69-74 :( So on Wednesday (when I was suppose to be getting my license), I took Alexander to CHLA for a quick ECHO to look at his ASD (atrial septal defect- the hole in his heart) due to his oxygen saturations being low. The echo showed the same results as before, with a little bit more growth, but nothing that couldn't wait until Monday. Yes, MONDAY! May 5th. The date was changed AGAIN!The date change is because Dr. Starnes is available for consult if needed on that day.  

I also learned that a stent is not an option. His cardiologist informed me that the pressures in Alexander's ASD aren't great because of the scar tissue forming. We are hoping that his cardiologist can balloon his ASD but she is hesitant. If she can't, then Alex will have to go into surgery and have his ASD removed. Hence the importance of Dr. Starnes being available for consult.  A stent is not an option either as the tissue would grow around his stent and be much more difficult to remove  1-2 years from now, when he goes in for his Fontan.  If he does have the surgery, we won't know when it will be but we are assuming it would be either the same day or within the week. 

Then there was Thursday night. 5 incidents of vomit. from our Superman. One at 9 pm and 4 more at midnight! When I talked to his pediatrician at 1:30 am she said a nasty stomach flu was going around! How he caught this bug, we don't know. He's been quarantined except for his grandparents and therapist seeing him at the house. again- not something we needed! And my license- got that taken care of on Friday along with the the stomach flu too!  The laundry pile just got larger!

So now Alexander's cath has been postponed AGAIN for a few days in hopes Alexander gets over this stomach virus soon and stays hydrated. We will find out the new date tomorrow. 

This is not something Wes and I wanted. We would rather have the cath be done and over with. Especially because he's doing so well with everything else. On Tuesday night, Alexander pulled himself up onto his feet at the coffee table and when we put him at the bottom of our stairs, he crawls up them! His endurance is SO MUCH BETTER that it is hard for us to believe there is a problem. So for now, lots of positive thoughts and prayers for us! For Alexander to get well soon and for his cath to go well and for him to not need surgery! And for Wes & I to stay strong and healthy! Thanks for following along with us. I'll update you all when I know more! <3


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