Tomorrow morning at 8 am Alexander is scheduled for his heart cath. Tomorrow morning we have to be at CHLA by 6 am. Tomorrow morning I will be an emotional a mess, especially when I have to hand over my crying 15-month old to the doctors and then walk away. Am I ready for that? NO!
Many have asked how am I doing so far? I've been fine because I haven't thought about it however, I will soon be facing that day and then I won't be fine. I won't be fine until the procedure is completed and I see Alexander awake. The thought of all this just turns my stomach. Blah!
Ready or not, here it comes!
So I ask for prayers and positive thoughts for a successful procedure tomorrow. Prayers that his cardiologist is able to clean up the scar tissue using a balloon. Prayers there are no other issues that need to be addressed. Praying that if there are other problems that need to be fixed, they can be then! Prayers that NO SURGERY is needed and PRAYERS that Alexander handles all of it, especially coming out of anesthesia! (For those of you unaware, Alexander has been under anestheisa six times and only once was there not a problem with him coming out of it). Alexander is so much stronger and bigger now than before so I can only hope he will do that much better..
I'm definitely praying for a safe procedure and speedy recovery. You two are awesome in the strength and love that you uphold during all of this stress. Baby Alexander (Jackie and I still call him that) has a strong and fighting spirit. I'm sure he'll be fine. Con mucho amor to all of you.