Yesterday, Alexander's morning started out great. He was off the ventilator, off the heart medicine, and weaning off of the narcotics. He had begun to consume some foods and drinking some fluids. He was interested in his toys and occasionally smiled when we read to him. However, by the afternoon, that all changed. Alexander began showing signs of pain and it was noticeable that the site of his PICC line was inflamed. The nurses treated the PICC line as needed and stopped using it. Since the PICC line was not to be used, they had to put in new IV in because some of his medications weren't oral. He also slowed down on his eating and drinking to the point of not wanting anything in his mouth. So now we were stuck with a very unhappy, dehydrated boy that wouldn't take any of his oral medications. By 10 pm, Alexander had vomited three times and I was just a wreck! I just kept asking myself: What the heck happened to our boy? What changed from this morning to now?

We still aren't sure what all happened last night and believe it may have been a combination of things. But today, Alexander seems to be feeling a little better. We've been slowly offering soft foods to him and water, providing some stimulation with his toys and favorite movies, and most of all, giving him time to rest. We've gotten a few smiles today and hope to get more. He hasn't gotten sick again and we hope we are past that as well!

We have been advocating more than ever at this point on what Alexander needs and how he's feeling. Sometimes the nurses don't listen to what we suggest, but they seem to be now! We've also learned that we will be going to CV Acute sometime this evening/tonight! Hooray for transitioning to the step down unit!! That means we are closer to going home.
Alexander still has a few obstacles to jump over before we can go home and we hope that he doesn't have any more set backs that will prolong us on going home. Keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming for our Superman to continue to recovery well and on his own time. <3
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