Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Post-Op Day 5

When we first met with Alexander's cardiothoracic surgeon, he told us Alexander would probably be in the CTICU for 1-2 days, and then spend 3-4 days in CV ACUTE  (step down unit). Well, here we are post-op day 5 and still in CTICU. If it's one thing I know and many of the medical staff are learning, you can't push Alexander or he pushes back and we end up taking a step or two back. We must let him tell us when he's ready for changes.

Yesterday continued to be a great day. Alexander was taken off of the Nitric in the morning, his third chest tube was removed, he was started on a form of Pediasure through his NG tube, and he came down to one narcotic medication, one heart medication, and one pain medication! His blood pressure and oxygen levels were maintaining too. Yesterday afternoon a PICC line was put in. For those of you unfamiliar with a PICC, it's a another type of IV that allows more usage for different medications and last longer in the body. Whereas a regular IV can go "bad" over a few days.

After the PICC line was placed (which required some heavy sedation), Alexander's oxygen levels and pressures began to dip. After running a few tests, it was determined that the sedation was too much and once again, it was his way of saying "Hey, that's enough!". They backed off on the sedation and allowed him to wake up a little more. By the late evening, his oxygen levels and blood pressure improved to acceptable numbers. Since Alexander is no longer on Nitric, the next step would be weaning from the ventilator.

Today's plan was to wean from his medications and from the ventilator. Around 3 PM he was EXTUBATED!! :)
Wes and I are so happy our Superman has jumped over another hurdle! We are that much closer to going home. Alexander still needs weaning of medications to complete, coming off of oxygen, and learning to eat by mouth again before going home, but he is THAT much closer! Thank you all for continuing to follow along our journey, for your positive thoughts, prayers, and support!! <3

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