So my blog post was originally going to be about the transition at home with Alexander being on oxygen and his recovery, but I'll save that for another day. Instead, I shall fast forward to Sunday afternoon when Alexander woke up from his nap. He woke up happy and while he was having a snack, he began to get irritable. As he was getting irritable, his oxygen levels began to drop and we discovered he had a fever of 102.6! We immediately called the cardiology unit at CHLA. They said to continue giving him Tylenol every 4 hours and see if his oxygen saturations come back up when he begins to calm down. 3 hours later-Alexander had finally calmed down and his oxygen saturations were barely hanging above 70 on 1 liter of oxygen (we were instructed to be on half a liter of oxygen upon being discharged on Wednesday).
At 11:30 pm, Alexander woke us up crying. He didn't stop

crying. Nothing was working to get him to stop crying and then he began to shiver. By midnight, I suggested to Wes that we probably needed to call 911 and so he did. The paramedics were at the house within 5 minutes, to see our blueish-greyish boy crying with oxygen saturations in low 60's and another fever of 100.6. We told the paramedics that we needed to go to CHLA because our local hospital wasn't familiar with Alexander's Congenital Heart Defect. Alexander and I were then taken by Ambulance to a dirt lot where the FD helicopter transported us to Children's Hospital. When we got to CHLA, Alexander's oxygen saturations were still in the 60's and he still had a low grade fever. The staff in the emergency department took blood samples, swabbed his nose, took a few chest x-rays, and a urine sample. By 3 am, Alexander, Wes, and I finally got to sleep longer than an hour. At 5 am, we were told Alexander would be admitted (which we figured) and was taken to the CV Acute (the floor we were discharged from 4 days prior).
So still here and it's Wednesday. All of Alexander's test came back negative. However, his white blood cell count came back a little high and he has fluid on his right lung, so the doctors think he may have atypical pneumonia. One of his current medications is a diuretic, so they increased the frequency of that medication to help get the fluid off. They also did another echocardiogram and we have now learned that where he had his Glenn procedure done, a section of it has narrowed. This wasn't there on the echo that was done last week, which means the talk of Alexander going to the catheterization lab sooner than later, just got real.

Since being admitted, Alexander has been looking good and in such high spirits. You wouldn't think he was "sick". He's still stressing out when the nursing staff come in to assess him, but not as often. There are some staff he's okay with and some he doesn't want them to touch him. He doesn't take his eye off of anyone that walks through the door, scared they might come poke him. So to all of our nursing friends- don't ever come over in your scrubs to visit Alexander.;)

Some good news, Alexander hasn't had a fever since Monday night! But his oxygen saturations are still lower and he's requiring more oxygen then when we went home the first time. So now we continue to wait and see what the next step will be, to stay strong, keep Alexander occupied while cooped up in the hospital room, and pray that things start to look even better and we get more answers that we WANT to hear. Thank you everyone for your continued support, positive thoughts, and prayers! <3
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