We've been home for one week and each day that we have been home, Alexander has been feeling better and is much happier! We have even managed to get into some sort of a routine! However, that is all about to change as Alexander must go back to CHLA on Tuesday for another procedure. :( He will be going back to the catherization lab to fix several things. One is the collaterals that were discovered several days after his surgery. The second is when Alexander was re-admitted last week, they did another echocardiogram on Alexander and discovered that an area where he had his Glenn Procedure, has narrowed. So the first thing that will be done in the cath lab is ballooning open the narrowing at his Glenn site and then fix any and all collaterals that have formed. We are PRAYING that the balloon opens up the narrowing and he won't need any other invasive procedures. We are also PRAYING that having this procedure will improve Alexander's oxygen levels and he won't need to come home on oxygen!
So as I mentioned, we are starting to get back into our routine, but with a few modifications. Alexander is on sternum precaution until December 15th. This means no lifting under the arms or letting him pull to stand. This means we have to scoop Alexander up anytime we need to pick him up (i.e. getting him out of the highchair, his carseat, his crib, etc). To top it off, he has a 50 ft oxygen tube attached to him. So not only are Wes and I having to hold our toddler like an infant, we also have to manage 50 feet of tubing! To say the least, the situation has made Wes and I a bit stressful. We aren't liking it one bit but are managing.

So we may not be liking our current situation, but we are happy to be home and will be much happier at the end of next week, as long as everything goes as planned. Alexander NEEDS this procedure sooner than later, and Wes and I are ready for it to be over with. We want NO surprises.We want a successful cath procedure for Alexander and a great recovery with no more surprises or bumps in the road!
Thank you all for your continuing thoughts and prayers. Our Superman needs them, especially on Tuesday!
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