Alexander has surprised us all. He is making improvements every day. When the day first starts, I start to worry and then by the end of the day, I realize he has made huge steps toward progress!
Yesterday morning was an emotional one for me as we were told to "wait" and see how his recovery would go. Alexander's eyes were extremely swollen from all of the fluids he received on Friday night and the heavy sedatives. But prior to really knowing this, I thought- "can he not open his eyes because they are so swollen? or is it neurological related? " He spent more of yesterday getting frustrated because he couldn't see. He would try to feed himself but it was exhausting. He would try to play with something or enjoy his favorite book but would get frustrated because he didn't get the same response from. He wanted to engage in activities but was frustrated that he couldn't, so instead he would just sit and not do anything-which made us think "is he sleeping?". Seeing hims go through this broke my heart and worried me even more.
The doctors had begun to worry as well because his right arm still was not up to baseline; therefore they requested another CT scan and a Spinal Tap to rule out infection. Luckily both of the those results were negative. Then an hour or so after his Spinal tap, Alexander began to open his eyes. He then decided he wanted to walk. So he walked around the room and then down a short hallway outside of his room! Surprised EVERYONE! Our Superman-he does things on his own terms! <3
In addition, Alexander's pacemaker was interrogated because he seems to be dropping below the low setting on his pacemaker. The interrogation has told us that Alexander no longer has 3 more months left on his pacemaker and instead has maybe a month. We have learned that when Alexnader's body gets sick, the threshold on his pacemaker works harder, which results in more energy used in his pacemaker. Discussions will be happening to decide when his pacemaker will be replaced (which could be as early as this week). Another interogation will happen tomorrow to hopefully answer some questions.
So when do we get to go home? We don't know. Doctors want to see more improvemtns with his right hand and have a clear plan on what the next steps are regarding Alexnader's pacemaker. So for now, we wait, keep Alexander happy, and watch him improve every day. Keep the positive thoughts and prayers coming! <3
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