His cough is no longer congested and now a dry cough with the constant tickle in his throat is present. His fever seems to be hanging out as well. I don't believe I mentioned before but in order for Alexander to be discharged, he needs to be weened from the oxygen, tolerate the foods he eats, and stay hydrated. None of these have been that great, so it's looking like he will be here through the weekend. For any of you that want to stop by and visit, I'd advise you to not if you have a kiddo. As much as we love having visitors, we would hate to pass the virus on to you and your kiddo ends up with it. RSV is a nasty virus and I've learned that adults can get it and not know it. The virus isn't as harsh as how the virus attacks kids. In fact, it looks like a regular cough.

Alexander seems to be feeling better and we are hoping the night goes better too. We are really hoping that tomorrow will consist of less coughing, no more fevers, a good appetite and that Alexander can begin to ween down on the oxygen. Thanks for following along our journey. We are really hoping the rest of 2015 is hospital-stay free!
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