Alexander's surgery today was short and sweet! The surgical team took him back at 7:30 this morning and by 8:30 he was done and back in recovery. The pacemaker was the only needed thing they needed to replace. The leads didn't need to be messed with-Yay! Everything was looking great to go home for about 2 hours. Then, the sight of going home today began to look distant. As Alexander came out of anesthesia and the pain killers began to wear off, Alexander started to get irritable, resulting in him holding his breath, which resulted in his oxygen level to drop. This happened all day long! By 2 pm it was decided that Alexander would be admitted to CV Acute for observation. After 7 hours in recovery (mostly hanging out waiting to be transferred), Alexander was taken to the CV Acute floor. He has started to feel slightly better this evening and has been sleeping since 7 pm. Wes and I hope that he sleeps through the night and feels almost 100% himself tomorrow. Praying tomorrow is better than today, that the 3 of us get some sleep, and that we get to go home tomorrow! Thanks for the positive thoughts and prayers! <3

We are here too! also hoping to go home tomorrow. Stop by if you like. 46