Thursday, January 17, 2013

Doctor appointment at 35 weeks & 3 days plus an update!

Arrived at the doctors appointment today and I didn't have to wait 45 minutes before being seen- yea! The doctor said Alex looks good,weighing at 5 pounds, 8 oz. right on track! His fluids look good, but he is still in a Breech position! At my next appointment, a date for a c-section will be discussed and scheduled for when I'm 39 weeks. My OB gave me a list of non-invasive techniques to try to get him to turn around, so we will see if they work. One of the suggestions is to place head phones at the bottom of your uterus and play soft music. This will make the baby want to follow the music, wanting to listen to it better. Or pay loud obnoxious music at the top of the uterus, which would make baby want to move away from the music. I don't think the loud music will work because if he is anything like his mom and dad, he'll stay there and rock out to the music! :) Now for an update: last weekend I had a fabulous baby shower thrown by six lovely woman in mine and Alex's life. (pictures to come). I've gotten sick and am still fighting the cold and Alex has been moving around quite a bit! I was even able to film it on my phone! If I figure out how to post it, I will. :) Our appointments are now weekly, so expect another post next week, if not sooner!

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