Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Long and Overdue Post

Finally, a post!
This past month have been good for us, with a  bump along the way. It has actually gone by quickly and trying to recall everything,  is somewhat of a blur.

Over the past month, I graduated with my Master's degree- celebrating with family and friends, Wesley has been enjoying his new job at St. Jude Medical, Alexander turned 4 months last week and he currently weighs 10 pounds, 3.5 ounces!

Found his thumb!
One of the bumps that occurred, happened two weeks ago, when Alexander was admitted back into the hospital. The morning of June 3rd, Alexander's oxygen saturation were between 68-72, when he should have been between 80-85. I called his cardiologist and she stated that his levels were in a safe area but if he dropped any lower he would need to be admitted. A cardiology appointment was made for Thursday.  By mid afternoon, his saturation levels were still the same, along with him hardly eating, wasn't being his social self and he had blood in his stool. His cardiologist was concerned with the blood in his stool, stated he could be anemic and suggested that we come in for an overnight observation. 4 days later, we went home!

Alexander had required another blood transfusion and blood test was conducted to see what he was allergic too. Since then, we have learned that Alexander is not allergic to anything (thank goodness!) but instead, is intolerant to dairy and soy. So, for the next 8 months, my diet has now changed tremendously- no dairy or soy for me because I'm still nursing. While in the hospital, I realized that the art of nursing in the hospital is a talent! It can take multiple tries to finally be comfortable when you're fighting with an uncomfortable chair, a pillow or Boppy pillow that doesn't fit, your baby's nasal cannula, the leads that monitor his oxygen, respiratory rate, and heart rate, and an IV line! When I would finally find the right position for comfort, I hated moving him, especially when he would fall asleep. The difficulty of getting into that position takes time and the last thing I want to do his move him! But I had to as I'm was never fully covered and hospital staff were constantly coming in to do tests. Oh, the joys of the hospital! 


Wesley and I are so pleased with the amount of people helping Alexander and us out! In May, a Triathlon occurred at Refugio beach, to raise money to help with Alexander's medical bills and the second weekend in June, the Congential Heart Defect Walk occurred. We were happy with the 20 people on our team that joined us in support of Alexander.

Thursday is his cardiology appointment, to discuss his next surgery. I'm not mentally ready for that nor do I think I will ever be! Looking at him now and the pictures when he was in the hospital, it feels like a dream-he's a completely different baby and I know that after his Glenn he's going to change even more and thrive even more! However, once it is done, we will no longer be in the "interstage phase" (period between the two surgeries). Alexander has not been exposed to the public (with the exception of doctors appointments) since he was brought home. We are doing this to prevent him from getting sick and if Alex were to get sick now, it would be a lot of strain on his heart.

Which, by the way, I hate interstage! I'm jealous when I see and hear about my friends with their babies, who are anywhere from a few days apart from Alex to a few weeks, taking their baby everywhere. Here we are, stuck in our home or families homes, unable to show off Alex to the world.  It's somewhat disappointing to think that the first time I take my son to a public place he will be 6 months old and I'll be acting like he's a newborn because it will be our first time out. Like I said, once it is over, I will be relieved! We will be able to take our handsome boy out in public! No more needing a baby sitter so that I can run to the bank or the grocery store (even though I GREATLY appreciate the help from Alexander's grandmas!) and no more needing to say "no" to family events!

On a Positive note, overall  Alexander has been doing well! He's continuing to gain weight appropriately with only breast milk. When Alexander was 3 months old (May 11th), he weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces, and now at 4 months he's over 10 pounds! To think a few months ago, I had an NP telling me Alexander wasn't going to gain weight with jusr my breast milk...HA! 
Alexander is continuing to nap in his crib, has begun to reach and grab for items, is showing signs that laughter is upon us, and he's teething! He is learning everyday and making us so proud of how strong our superman is!Positive thoughts and prayers are always welcomed in that Alexander continues to stay healthy, continue to thrive and gain weight each day!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jess. I am so happy to hear you are all doing well. Lilly has a dairy intolerance as well. Good luck changing up your diet. I found there to be hidden dairy in a lot of things. I love the So Delicious brand (ice cream especially!) since it is made with coconut milk. I also follow some Vegan food blogs for food ideas.
