Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 11...showing progress

After a very rough day yesterday, today has seemed to go much smoother. I'm hoping we are at the end of this bumpy road we have been on and will soon be on the smooth road to home! I was hoping to get the best birthday present ever today-holding my baby boy, but not so much. Maybe it will be a delayed birthday present..I can only hope! 

 Over night, Alexander did well with staying stable. He is back to trying to keep his blood pressure and oxygen levels maintained. Today, the goal for him is to continue to ween him off of his heart medication and provide him with lots of rest. Lots of rest means limited touching, something I don't like to hear but I know it is best for him.  Tomorrow the doctors hope to be able to remove his chest tub and continue with weening him off more of his medication. All we can do now is continue to hope and pray that each day stays positive, so that we can get closer to the main goal of going home!


  1. I'm so glad to hear that he's stabilizing....I'm continuing praying for healing for your little Alex, he's a fighter! one step at a time, even if they are baby steps..they still get you closer to your goals. Hugs to you all!!

  2. Hi Wes & Jess...glad to hear your little guy is progressing. Sounds like a long road. I will definately share your story with my sunday school class tomorrow and we will all be praying for him this coming week. Hope you guys are able to rest and that Alex starts taking huge leaps. In faith, Ryan Campbell

  3. I will keep Alexander and you both in my prayers every day. Elissa (Ellie) McMeans (cowgirl friend of Grammy Cindy)
