Sunday, December 18, 2016

Not much for change, but change is nice.

There hasn't been much change over the last few days. Alexander is getting stronger every time he gets up to walk and with the motivation of his daddy, he walked up and down the halls in CV Acute. Everyone that knows him (which is just about everyone on the floor) was so happy to see Alexander walking and looking pink! For once the alarms weren't his that were going off. We didn't have a nurse running after us, saying "his o2 sats are in the 50's, he should probably stop". Change is nice.

Alexander is getting better with his medication as well. I've figured out a little system of giving him his 12 different medications and hopefully the system work better when we go home.

Tomorrow is Monday. Mondays are busy days in the hospital. A lot of stuff gets done. Alexander will be getting his blood drawn first thing in the morning. Followed by getting a urine test (he is not potty trained yet, so the bag they attach to the poor not pretty), chest x-ray, echo cardiogram, and an EKG. In addition, he will have PT, OT, and Speech. Don't forget vitals are checked every 4 hours and of course he needs time to nap and eat. I'm exhausted just thinking about it!

The testing that will be done tomorrow will help set up the next steps towards going home. As I said, not much has changed, but little change is nice. Prayers continue for our Superman to continue to recovery well and continue heading in the direction of home. <3

I have to add. Alexander got to see Santa Clause 4 DAYS before we got the "call". Timing.was.perfect.

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